They have come from beyond the universe...
"SPACE MOGURA", mole-shaped creatures from far beyond the universe, have launched an attack to invade the Earth. You must whack the "SPACE MOGURAS" and defend the Earth to death.
・30 seconds mode or 1 minute mode
Players compete in order to submit the high score within the time limit. The faster you whack the moles, the higher score you get. If you satisfy a certain condition, it will apper some "SPACE MOGURAS" that are worth more points.
・Survival mode
No time limitation mode. If you miss only one mole, the game would be over.
Either whacking surely or aiming a hight score.
【Support Forum】
SPACE MOGURA plus has world ranking.
30sec 1495
1min 2761
Survival 14885
※ 12/10/2009